Here's the average pay per hour for Docs based on 2003 data. So next time you go to get your mole removed just remember that your Doc is getting about $1.60 a minute.
Orthopedic Surgeon - $107 per hr
Dermatologist - $95
Eye Doctor - $92
Radiologist - $87
Ear, Nose, Throat Doc - $86.9
Pathologist - $85
ER Doc - $76.5
General Surgeon - $76
Anesthesiologist - $71
OB/GYN Doc - $70.5
Psychiatrist - $54
Internal Med Doc - $53
Pediatrician - $49
Family Doc - $48
Read more for a table with average pay and average hours worked based on medical specialty. From Dorsey. JAMA, Vol 290(9).Sept 3, 2003.1174.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Wanna be a doctor?
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So, if YOU were going to be a doctor, which would you choose? Hypothetically, of course.
Hehe, good question.. they all look good to me.
And NYT had a recent article on Vermont doctors receiving as much as $54,000 per year for writing prescriptions in high frequency (including to children) of targeted non-generic drugs. Oh, the golf course beckons.
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