Tuesday, April 17, 2007

TV time

On February 17, 2009 (in ) your old TVs will self destruct. Ok, they won't self destruct, but they will stop working. Congress has decided to go digital. If you have a new TV, and you live in a big city you probably already enjoy digital TV. The picture is cleaner and clearer, and many channels have sub channels (11.1, 11.2, 11.3 etc.). Free TV will still be free, but getting a new TV or a converter for your old TV won't be.

So if you want to keep using your old TV make sure you apply for a digital-to-analog converter box coupon on January 1, 2008. The coupon won't cover the entire cost of the converter box, but it will help. The earlier you apply for the voucher the better, congress has set aside a chunk of money to help buy converters, but analysts say it won't be enough. From what the government is saying right now; as the money dries up so will the voucher.

Want to know more?
Send your emails to couponinfo@ntia.doc.gov
Or tab these:
Consumer Fact Sheet (pdf)

DTV coupon presentation
National IT Administration

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The US Government is offering vouchers for people to convert to digital TV? Wow - that's amazing!
Here in the UK, there's no subsidy whatsoever. Maybe our Government thinks TV isn't quite as indispensable as it is in the States?